The Best in Custom Drumsticks!
Full 360° Print Capability – This is our most popular custom program. We use a state of the art, patent-pending printing process that allows the ink to soak into the grain of the drumsticks, creating an impressive adhesion process and allowing for brilliant, full color graphics.
Simple or Complex – While we have the capability to print all the way around the stick with this program, we also fill orders where the client wants full color but only wants the logo. The below example is from a corporate client and one of our favorites. It lays on the stick nicely and looks great all by itself.
Custom Drumsticks for National Artists
Custom Stick Orders for Major Artists – We love helping small bands and businesses with custom drumsticks but are always honored to also serve the big guys. Below are some sticks we did in 2022 for major recording artists, (Ryan) Upchurch, Charlotte Sands, and UnSpoken.
Custom Drumsticks for Schools
School Pride Drumsticks – We’ve helped several school bands through the years with custom music merchandise. Custom drumsticks are another option for them. They’ll either use the sticks to sell in the school store or as a fundraiser to help raise money for the marching band. It’s fun for the students who also like to help customize the design for the sticks.
School Marketing with Drumsticks – Sparks Music School reached out to us for custom drumsticks. We were impressed by their logo. With marketing, the simpler design, often the better. They even added some ‘edge’ to the ends of the design to make it pop! Great job Sparks and thank you for your order!
GET A QUOTE: | 800 DRUM BUM (378-6286)
Some of our Favorite Custom Drumstick Designs
Modern Age Employment Law– Often we fall in love with our client’s logos. We just love the way this looks on the sticks. Sometimes simplicity makes a bigger impact than busy.
Moody Center – We were flattered that Austin’s new, world-class arena chose us to print their custom sticks. This design is one of a number of orders that we’ve helped them with. We so appreciate their trust in us.
Recycled Percussion – World renowned percussion group, Recycled Percussion reached out to us for help with their own custom drumsticks. This is one of many orders we’ve done for them. / Bam! – We love this artwork!
Custom Drumsticks Printed with Your Band or Company Logo
Whether you’re in a band and want custom drumsticks for your merch table or you’re a company that needs an exciting music promotional product for giveaways, we’ve got one of the coolest music themed products around! Grab your band or company logo and contact us to help produce your own promotional drumsticks!
Don’t Underestimate Logo Drumsticks
Custom imprinted drumsticks offer bands a multifaceted investment opportunity, transcending their role as mere percussion tools. Where CD’s, T-shirts, and stickers are usually the first ‘go to’ for promotional items for the merchandise table (merch), a slick pair of custom logo drumsticks have just as much if not more marketing punch. You see, everyone loves drumsticks! To underestimate their capacity to connect to your audience is to underestimate how much they’re willing to spend on your band’s image to show their support. They’ll proudly take home a pair of sticks, especially if they’re signed by the drummer on the way out the door.