Free Drum Stuff
Hey everyone, welcome to our free page. Periodically,, we give away some free stuff so check this page now and then for when it gets updated. As well , see the links below to free drum tabs, lessons and links to other free tools. As always, thanks for visiting!
Our free monthly T-shirt is temporarily suspended but we’ll be activating it again. Be sure you’re signed up to our mailing list as you have to be on it to win.
Free Drum Stickers
Order $50 worth of merchandise from us (sub-total) and receive 5 free drum stickers of our choosing. Simply put “free stickers” in the ORDER INFO. box upon checkout. These are top quality stickers with a drummer theme.
Free Manuscript Paper
- There’s also free stave paper for full marching sections at
National Drumming Day
National Drumming Day – Do you tap out rhythms on your desk or air drum along to your favorite
Mark Guiliana – Amazing Drummer!
This guy is one of the best. You’ll hear speed, chops, musicality, metric modulation, amazing creativity, endurance and
“Reaction was mixed… I’ve always been a little too jazz for rock and a little too rock for jazz, and that’s kind of the area I like. If you’re always asking ‘what is it?’…I’m very happy.” – Bill Bruford
Top 10 Gifts for Drummers in 2019
Here are our Top Picks for Drummer Gifts! After 20 years specializing in gifts for percussionists, we know
Drumming Will Change Significantly
You’re practicing and practicing and even putting in longer hours. You’ve acquired self-discipline and a handful of wisdom